The Faculty publishes its first book of the 21st century!

JourneyThroFCJourney through Astrology: Charting the Astrological Voyage of Discovery

Edited by Laura Andrikopoulos, Cat Cox and Carole Taylor

We are proud to announce the publication of our book Journey through Astrology, the first book from the Faculty of Astrological Studies Press. It is an account of the journey we take when we study and work with this most magical, inspiring and challenging of subjects, with each chapter exploring a different aspect of the process within the narrative arc of ‘astrology as odyssey’.

The book reflects the Faculty’s chart, in particular our Venus in Cancer in the 8th house which speaks of a hidden inner beauty, both in the Faculty and in astrology itself, which we encounter when we commit ourselves to a course of study. It is dedicated to all students of astrology.

We hope you will enjoy reading the book and find your own astrological journey reflected in its pages. To find out more click here.

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