Charles Harvey Research Fund

Charles Harvey

Charles Harvey, D.F.Astrol.S., was one of the most important astrologers of the 20th century. He was passionate about astrological research. In his obituary, published 3rd March 2000, The Times (London) stated that his name ‘became synonymous with the attempt to restore astrology’s credibility and to rescue it from its associations with fairground fortune-telling.’ Charles Harvey served on the Council of the Faculty of Astrological Studies for several years in the 1960s. 

The Faculty is keen to support original research into astrology and has thereby established the Charles Harvey Research Fund. Grants are available to Subscribing Diploma Holders to contribute to the cost of PhD research on the subject of astrology. For information about submitting an application for a grant, please send an email to with the subject containing the words ‘Research Grant’.

To read a tribute to Charles Harvey written by Liz Greene, please CLICK HERE.


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