Faculty Open Day 2021

New Beginnings, Recovery and Rejuvenation

Featuring a special presentation by Melanie Reinhart

For the first time ever Faculty Open Day was held online. This facility widened the audience tremendously and in spite of varying time zones the event was well attended throughout giving us the opportunity to connect with our wonderful global family of students.

In the morning our two student speakers, Ira Kiourti and Goran Pejkoski, presented stimulating thought provoking lectures.

Goran Pejkoski – a recent winner of the Lindsay Radermacher Award for submitting an exceptionally well written Certificate paper – spoke upon the subject of Astrological Beginnings. Looking into the notions of ‘beginning’ and where we identify them astrologically. Seen through the astrological lens, he raised the question of where do things start? Positing that a journey starts through many beginnings, from fundamental significators through to the planetary cycles as collective chapters of beginnings and unfoldments thereof. 

Our recent award winner of the prestigious Faculty Diploma Holder, Ira Kiourti, presented a lecture titled, Chiron in Aries – The Elephant in the Room. In true Aries style, the impassioned energy of Ira’s delivery drove home the impact of the lessons of this transit suggested by these highly Aquarian times.

Staying with the Aquarian theme we listened intently to the Faculty Tutors Panel Discussion – Planets moving into Aquarius – what lies ahead? The panel comprising Kim Farley, Dragana Van de moortel-Ilić  and Carole Taylor, gave each tutor the opportunity to present a perspective on the cycles and eras of planets in Aquarius, occuring in the past, present and future.

After lunch our President Cat Cox gave a speech relaying the achievements of the Faculty over the past year, and spoke positively of the Faculty’s future plans.

The highlight of our day arrived; the reason why we had gathered as family, friends, fellow students and Faculty tutors. The Awards ceremony, the moment when we honoured the achievements of our students who had gained their Certificate and those students who, after many years of dedicated study, had become Diploma holders in the period 2019/2020. Our guest speaker and Faculty Patron, Melanie Reinhart gave a personal congratulatory message to them all.

New Certificate Holders

Constance Avery
Gillian Beighton
Wendy Blume
Stella Bogliani
Florence Boissenen
Caroline Bommers
Adrian Gheorge
Lilja Gunnarsdottir
Lirio Gutierrez
Julie Hutchins
Tracy Jenkins
Aliza Keraj-Sazan
Tatiana Komarova
Anna Lawrence
Donny Lim
Lesley Martin
Sue Moynahan
Natalie Noren
Goran Pejkoski
Julia Premauer
Nuria Quitt
Liz Rawnsley
Karen Shan
Zane Tiscenko
Zhen Xu
Yana Yanovich

New Diploma Holders

Tinna Bisbo
Jieyu Chen
Geerte Groen
Stefanie Gutwenger

Lise-Lotte Jaktlund
Ira Kiourti
Maria Kontou
Alejo Lopez

Special Presentation by Melanie Reinhart


The afternoon was rounded off by a lecture presented by our Faculty Patron Melanie Reinhart. Melanie spoke of the symbolism of the main astrological patterns which feature in our current ‘Now’: Saturn in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus, Neptune’s T-square with the Nodal Axis, and the squares between the Centaurs Pholus and Chiron, who reaches aphelion on May 27th, 2021. An inspiring talk as we move forward into a new phase of life as a global community. 

To watch a recording of Melanie Reinhart’s lecture, Astrology, Now and Forever, click on the link below. Please note that there is no sound between 00:48 and 01:25 of the presentation.

Also, Melanie has graciously allowed us to share a PDF of her presentation slides. There is reference to Incipit vita nova, from One Hour After Midnight by Hermann Hesse. Click HERE to read it.

We do hope that you can join in this annual celebratory event, when it is scheduled to be held in London on Saturday 26th March 2022.

Faculty Open Day Organiser,
Lindsay Gladstone

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