Non-Residential Five-Day Courses


Use the options below to build your non-residential five-day course.

Payment for the five-day course includes a non-refundable deposit of £150.


Dinners are Sunday to Thursday, including Gala Dinner.
Lunches are Monday to Friday.

Gala Dinner *

Let us know if you will be attending the Gala Dinner on Thursday evening. If you have not booked your course with dinners and would like to join us for this special evening, you may add it here.

Dietary Requirements

Please identify your dietary requirements below. If you have more specific dietary requirements, list them in the next box.
Select ‘Not Applicable’ if you will not be having any meals with us.

More specific Dietary Requirements, if any

Name-tag *

We will prepare a name-tag for you for identification and security purposes. How would you like your name displayed? Please include first and last name.

Which course would you like to take? *

To enrol on Module 3, you must have completed Modules 1 and 2 or have equivalent training. If you have not taken Modules 1 and 2 with the Faculty, please send an e-mail with your astrological experience to in order to confirm that you are eligible for this course.
To enrol on Module 6, you must have completed Modules 1 through 5.
To enrol on Module 9, you must have completed Modules 1 through 7.

Sunday Afternoon Workshop *

Please select the Sunday afternoon workshop you wish to attend.

(Due to limited numbers on some of the workshops, it is unlikely that, once booked, delegates will be able to change their minds and switch to another workshop at a later date).

Wednesday Afternoon Workshop *

Please select the Wednesday afternoon workshop you wish to attend.

(Due to limited numbers on some of the workshops, it is unlikely that, once booked, delegates will be able to change their minds and switch to another workshop at a later date).

Delegates Name List *

We will create a list with the names of all delegates to be circulated among delegates and tutors. Would you like to have your name added to the list?

New Student Registration *

If you are new to the Faculty OR have attended only online seminars or online workshops, an additional one-time £35 registration fee is payable. If you are booking for the weekend course as well, please ensure you only pay one fee of £35.

Other Information

Use this space to provide other information if needed.

Please confirm *

SKU: N/A Category:

Further Information

If you require any further information please contact Summer School Registrar, Nicola Perry, on

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