Faculty Open Day March 2015: Astrology and the Artistic Imagination
This year we celebrated in a new venue, Friends House, opposite Euston Station. About 75 people came, the three morning presentations were from students Anne Schie and Philippe Sibaud who talked about the connections between some painters, their work and astrology and new Diploma Holder, Anna May Harkin, who examined Seamus Heaney’s poetry in a similar way. The presentations were excellent, they contain some beautiful images and fantastic astrology. We then took a break for some lunch, a great deal of chat and to browse the stalls – Midheaven Books, Solar Fire, the APAI, The Astrological Association and the Astrological Lodge of London – were all there.
After lunch, Faculty President, Laura Andrikopoulos summarised the Faculty’s activities over the last, very successful, twelve months; it’s been a busy year for the Faculty one highlight being the extremely popular workshop, ‘The Faculty in Bali’ which ran in December. Plans for a Faculty Press and more overseas courses are just a couple of the things to look forward to in the coming year. The Awards Ceremony followed. Gloria Roca, the Head of Exams, introduced the session and, our guest speaker, Darby Costello, presented the awards to the successful candidates who were able to attend. Next, we heard from three Diploma Holders, Pauline Gerosa, Clair Bentley and Carole Taylor, all described their introduction to astrology and the impact of gaining the Diploma – three different and moving stories. Then, naturally we needed another break, for tea, more chat and some shopping…
In the final session of the day Darby spoke on the theme, ‘Astrology as an Art Form: the Astrologer as Artist.’ This is the outline of her presentation, ‘Astrologers are seen by their clients in various ways: advisers, counselors, therapists, some form of secular priests. We are wise guides and good navigators at our best. And yet, underneath this, to be truly good astrologers, we must become artists. We must live our lives with a fierce integrity, putting our art above wealth and status and acceptance in the world. The gift is that we discover each chart to be a mystery that we just might be able to articulate in such a way that the world is seen anew. Let us look today at the transits of this year with our artist’s eyes.’ It’s a wonderful, insightful presentation.
Once the formal part of the day was over quite a few people retired to ‘All Bar One’ across the road to continue the celebrations. It was a great day!
Thank you everyone who presented and all who attended – you created a very happy atmosphere. And, finally, congratulations to all the new Certificate and Diploma Holders!
Photographs & Downloads
Student & Diploma Holder Presentations
Astrology and the Artistic Imagination
Anne Schie – Certificate Holder
Listen to the presentation.
Download a pdf of the presentation.
Download a transcript of the presentation.
Following their Stars? Astrological Correspondences in the World of Poetry
Anna May Harkin – Diploma Holder
Listen to the presentation.
Download a pdf of the presentation.
Autumnal Cannabilism by Salvador Dali
Philippe Sibaud – Student
Listen to the presentation.
Download a pdf of the presentation.
Life as a Diploma Holder Presentations
Pauline Gerosa – Diploma Holder
Listen to the presentation.
Clair Bentley – Diploma Holder
Listen to the presentation.
Carole Taylor – Diploma Holder
Listen to the presentation.
Final presentation
Astrology as an Art Form: The Astrologer as Artist
Darby Costello
Listen to the presentation.
Download a pdf of the presentation.